Saturday, September 3, 2011

Glutinous Rice

Miss this old traditional Lo Mai Kai so much but instead of Kai (Chicken) i omit other ingredient. I start in hock on to glutinous rice when one days, my mum order a glutinous rice from a store at Ghim Moh market. So i taste a few bite and slowly i finished the whole plate and got hock on it and this is the best glutinous rice i have even eaten.

Since i seldom go down to ghim moh market, so i decided to make some plus i craving for it. Instead of using chicken as the ingredient, i replace it with dry shrimps, chinese sausage and dry mushroom. I didn't steam my glutinous for too long, i want the kind of chewy and abit dry texture. I don't really like the kind of sticky and watery texture. I would said depend on each individual palate. =p

After the whole process of cooking and steaming the glutinous rice, i find the texture just right, only the taste is abit blend.

  • 1 sticks chinese sausage
  • Dry scrimps - soaked for one hour (depend how many u would like to have in it)
  • 5 dry chinese mushroom - soak until mushroom soften and slice
  • 1/4 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 & 1/2 tbsp of oyster sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp soya sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp dark soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 250gm glutinous rice
  • 1/2 cup of water for cooking (I use the water from the mushroom and dry scrimps)
  • The day before, soak the glutinous rice overnight
  • Heat the pan with some oil and the fry the garlic until fragrant. Add in the chinese sausage, dry scrimps, mushroom and continue to fry.
  • Add in the glutinous rice and the seasoning, toss evenly to combine and pour the cup of water until is absorbed into the rice.
  • Scoop the rice and ingredient into a bowl
  • Steam the filled bowl for 20 ~ 30 minutes (depend if u want it to be more sticky or dry)
  • Serve immediately while it still hot.

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