Saturday, June 29, 2013

Char Siew Bun (叉烧餐包)

好朋友 你到底爱吃那一样 你到底爱吃那一样 那一样?
Does this lyrics remind you of a song? *Sorry for those who can't understand the chinese word. This is a song name 叉烧包, singer 徐小鳳。I make this bun not because of the song, is just a coincidence that remind me of this song when I typing the blog post at this moment.
Do you like char siew bao? For me, I do. I love char siew rice (叉烧饭), char siew bao (叉烧包), char siew su (叉烧酥)。Seem like anything with char siew make me delight. I will always order char siew bao and char siew su when I having my dim sum with my family. Both of this is a must for me.
Lately I have been practice baking plain bread. So I thought of baking something with filling inside the bread.
My inspiration came on one of the weekday during lunch time, me and my colleagues went to a 烧腊 stall at a old coffeeshop enjoying the roast chicken, roast pork belly and char siew. So I decided to try and make char siu bun after enjoying a scrumptious meal.
I making some bun instead of chinese steam bao (包) because I have no confident on making bao since I still a beginner on making bread and I should continue to practice until I good at it before I proceed to bao stage. =p

This time for the dough, I'm using straight dough method and I yield a branch of soft and fluffy bread. Yes! I feel so happy because I have never achieve a soft and fluffy bread using straight dough method in my past experience. Not sure the reason behind, is it because of the ingredient that help me or kneading part. Anyway is a success. I'm more and more confident on making bread.

For the filling is a little too watery and gluey, after having the most 2 bun you will feel unctuous. I will reduce the amount of water the next time. I will still post out the filling ingredient for my recording purpose but please don't follow the filling recipes. The bun taste really good but the filling is rather disappointed.
*I feel like slapping myself, I can't remember where I got the dough recipe from. I keep searching thorough my bookmark list but I cannot confirm is this the web I got from. Hopefully it is.

Ingredients for the filling:
  • 200gm char siew (叉烧) *I bought from a hawker stall
  • 200ml water
  • 1 tbsp corn flour
  • 1tbsp topioca flour
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp soya sauce
  • few drops of red colouring (Optional)
Method for the filling:
  1. Cut the char siew into small bits.
  2. Mix the water, corn and tapioca flour together in a bowl.
  3. Cook the remaining ingredients in a pot under a stove with medium heat. Stir for 1 min until it bubbles. Stir in the (step 2) mixture together and cook for 1 min, keep stirring.
  4. The sauce should be thicken, remove from the heat and add in the diced char siew.

Ingredients for the dough: (I halve the recipe portion)
  • 150ml milk
  • 35gm sugar
  • 58gm melted butter
  • 1 tsp yeast
  • Half a egg
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 280gm of plain flour
  • Sesame (Optional for garnish)
Method for the dough:
  1. Heat the milk until lukewarm not boiling stage. Pour into a large mixing bowl and mix in the melted butter, sugar and yeast. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Stir in the egg and salt to the yeast mixture. Gradually add the flour while mixing until a medium soft dough is obtained. Knead the dough till smooth or using a electric hand mixer to do the job. 
  3. Place in a greased bowl, cover and leave to rise in a warm place until double in bulk or about 1 & 1/2 hours).
  4. After dough become double, divide the dough into 50 gm each. 
  5. Shape it into balls and cover the dough with a cling wrap or damp cloth, leave to rest for 15 min.
  6. Flatten each piece and fill with a tablespoon of filling. Gather the edges and seal well. Place the sealed side face down. Arrange on a baking tray and leave to proof until double in bulk.
  7. Spread some sesame on the top of the dough and bake in a preheated oven at 180° C for 15 to 20 minutes until puffed up and browned.

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