Monday, May 27, 2013

Banana Swiss Roll

My sister apps me where shall we go and celebrate mother day. Immediately I reply her, shall we have steamboat at home instead of eating out. Restaurant definitely is full of patron on actual mother day. To avoid the crowds, we decided to have steamboat at my elder sister house.

I wanted to bake something for the small celebration / gathering. So I browse through the net and looking for some inspiration and I saw swiss roll. Thinking back, I have made a swiss roll before and once only. My family member both the young and elderly love banana, so I decide to bake a banana swiss roll cake on the Mother Day.

Rolling the cake is really a challenging task. This time the swiss roll crack again when I roll it and is the same area with that Butter Cream Swiss Roll. The same problem again, the swiss roll is too thick and it make it more difficult to roll the cake. Next time I must make the roll slightly thinner.

I read a few blogger and some mention that they bake it everyday or within one month bake more than 20 roll to practice and to get it right. I was like WOW! Really admire their persistence. I got a question straight to my mind, how do they handle the cake? Eat every roll? Throw away? Give away? This question keep pop on my mind if I also do that, how should I deal with all the roll???

I saw another blogger said, given one recipe and give a hundred of people to use this same recipe to bake. The result might be vary to that hundred of people, which I quite agree to her said. Why some people using the same recipe given but some might be success and some might fail. This taught me that practice is really important. More practice more improvement.

The cake texture turn out dry and coarse. This time I try the sponge cake method which required to whisk the batter to ribbon stage and is my first time trying this method. Not difficult but yet I got a dry and coarse cake. (-_-")

Sponge Cake Ingredient:
  • 25gm Unsalted butter
  • 35gm Milk
  • 200gm Whole egg
  • 20gm Egg yolk 
  • 90gm Sugar
  • 80gm Cake flour (Sift)
  • 1 tsp Corn flour
Filling and decorating:
  • 180gm Whipping Cream
  • 20gm sugar
  • 2 medium size banana + 1 more slice into pieces *for decorating on the surface of the cake
  • Small slice and pieces of chocolate (using a slice knife and slice the chocolate bar)
  • Icing sugar

  1. Preheat the oven at 180°C, prepare a pan with baking paper on it.
  2. Melt the butter together with the milk and stir until disslove, set aside.
  3. Place the whole egg, egg yolk and sugar in a big bowl and whisk under a double boiler (fill a pot with water and heat under a stove, place the bowl on top of the pot). Remove the bowl from the pot when the egg batter is warm enough with a touch using your finger, continue to whisk.
  4. When the egg batter no longer warm, places it back to the steaming pot and bring the temperture back to warm and continue to whisk until the batter turn pure in colour and in ribbon stage.
  5. To check the ribbon stage by using the hand whisk and draw a 8 on the batter, if the 8 doesn't disappear immediately mean you got the right stage.
  6. Using a electric hand whisk and whisk for one minute in low speed to remove the big air bubble in the batter.
  7. Sift the cake and corn flour together, pour 1/3 of flour into the batter and mix using a spatula. Than divide flour into 2 times adding into the batter and mix until no trace of flour can be seen.
  8. Pour 1/4 of the batter into the melted butter (step  2) and mix in a fast motion. Pour it back to the 3/4 batter and mix until incorporated.
  9. Pour the batter onto the prepared pan. Using a scraper to make the surface even. Hit the pan lightly on the counter serval times to release the air bubble out.
  10. Bake the cake at 180°C for 12 minute.
  1. Make sure the whipping cream is cold. Use a electric hand whisk, whisk the cream in low speed and slowly increase into high speed. Add all the sugar in and continue to beat until stiff.
  1. Spread the cream on the cake and place the whole roll banana and start to roll the cake.
  2. Keep the roll cake in the fridge for 30 to 60 minute to let it set.
  3. After 60 minute, remove from fridge and spread the remaining cream on top of the cake and decorate with the chcocolate, icing sugar and slice of banana.

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