Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Marble Chiffon Cake

I love marble cake and I chance upon this recipe from a blogger share the marble chiffon cake so I mark it down on the baking list. Making chiffon sometime is really a faint of heart task for me. I do not get a success return everytime I make chiffon cake, there are about 60% are failed and only 40% cheers me up with a nice and tall chiffon cake.

I wish to get the hang of making good chiffon cake, so I decided to look for more interesting and different chiffon flavour to practice with. Actually I have a few chiffon cake book, is all about chiffon.

Most of the time I receive the same problem of failed chiffon cake are, the cake will start to shrink when I leave it cool down and after I unmold the cake the top part will start to deflate down.

Anyway I'm so happy when the cake stand still after I unmold from the tin and I really like the marble effect. Every slice have the different marble effect pattern which is like giving a surprise. This is really a good recipe to try, the cake is so fluffy and airy. I like the chocolate taste and is not very sweet.

Ingredients A:
95g egg yolks
25g caster sugar
pinch of salt
Ingredients B:
80g oil
80g milk
Ingredients C:
95g cake flour 
Ingredients D:
10g cocoa powder
10g cake flour
Ingredients E:
240g egg whites
120g caster sugar
15g corn flour
  1. Whisk ingredient (A) with hand whisk till sugar dissolved.
  2. Add in ingredient (B) in respective order and mix well before adding the next item.
  3. Fold in ingredient (C) and mix till no lumps.
  4. Divide the egg yolks mixture into two equal portion in two separate mixing bowl.
  5. Mix 10g flour into one of the egg yolks mixture and the 10g cocoa powder into the other bowl of egg yolks mixture respectively. Mix the batter well till no lumps.
  6. Beat egg whites in a clean large bowl until soft foam. Gradually add in sugar, one tablespoon at a time and finally add in corn flour. Mix well.
  7. The egg whites mixture should be peak foam, smooth and shiny.
  8. Gently fold in half of the egg whites mixture into the cocoa egg yolk mixture and another half into the plain mixture. Make sure there are no trace of meringue can be seen in the batter.
  9. To assemble the marble effect: Spoon in the plain batter to three or four different corner of the 23cm cake pan, then continue to cover the plain batter with cocoa batter. Layer by layer till the end.
  10. Bake at preheated oven at 170C for 35-45 minutes or insert a toothpick into the centre and comes out clean.
  11. Invert the tins immediately and leave to cool completely before unmold from the tin.

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