Monday, July 1, 2013

Butter Cake 2

Finally I decided to try out my new toy the cake wooden mold (蛋糕木框模). I haven't start using since I bought it around in the month of January until now. Before I use the mold to bake my cake, I soak in the water overnight and guess what, the water turn into light yellow colour the next day. After soak out, I bake the mold in the oven for 30 minutes at 160C. I found this useful tips from anncoojournal who share this, the reason behind is to eliminate odour from the wood. Only need to do this step if is a new wooden mold, subsequent using do not need to do the soak n bake of the mold again.

The purpose of this mold suppose to bake castella cake but I have read a few other baker mention that castella cake is not a easy task to make. If you can't bake a normal cake well, better don't challenge castella cake to prevent wasting ingredients. I knew I definitely will not be able to do it well so I using this mold but I baking a butter cake.

Luckily is a success and is fully cook but the top is slightly burn. Although the top surface is slightly burnt but I like the "chao ta" taste. The cake is moist and buttery taste really good. A good recipe to keep.

*Recipe source:
*How to use the wooden mold:

  • 350 gm butter
  • 280 gm sugar
  • 8 large eggs, separate the yolk and white
  • 330 gm self rising flour 
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 50 ml milk
  1. Preheat oven to 160C. Prepare the wooden mold. 
  2. Sieve the flour and salt. Set it aside. 
  3. Using a electric hand mixer beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, scrapping down the side of the bowl a couple of times. 
  4. Add in the yolk one at a time. Beat well after adding the next one. 
  5. Follow by adding in the milk. 
  6. Fold in the flour in 3 batches. Mix well and set it aside.
  7. In another clean bowl, whisk egg white on high speed until soft peaks. Fold in the egg whites into the butter mixture until well blended. Do not over-do it or the egg whites will deflate. 
  8. Pour into the prepared wooden mold and bake for an hour or until the skewer comes out clean when tested.

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